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Hermetic Storage and Coffee Quality
Storing Coffee in Hermetic Bags Coffee is an indispensable part of our lives. It is however tricky to grow and store coffee because of several factors such as temperature and the scale of coffee. Coffee needs predictable dry and wet seasons and cannot tolerate extreme fluctuations in temperature. In India, over 71% of coffee is ...

Do hermetic bags improve food security?
Do hermetic bags improve food security? Deteriorating food security is one of the most severe problems faced by the world in recent times. According to a report by the World Bank, approximately 30 percent of the world’s population lacked access to adequate food in 2020 and into 2021. Agriculture-based economies including India are the worst ...

Hermetic Storage Technology can save the world
Food security is a key challenge on a planet with a population of over 7 billion people. According to the United Nations, the world's population will reach 9 billion people by 2050. As a result, there will be more people to feed and fewer available resources. Food security is a worldwide problem that impacts everyone ...

How hermetic bags can get rid of rice weevils in grain storage
Every year farmers face tremendous post-harvest losses that result in the loss of grain and livelihood of the agricultural industry. One of the leading causes of post-harvest losses is pest infestation. Farmers sell the contaminated grain at lower prices as the damaged grains lack nutrition as well as taste. Rice Weevils are the most notorious ...

How Hermetic Storage Technology Helped Indian Farmers
Over one-third of the food produced in India is wasted due to post-harvest losses. Pest Manifestations and improper storage facilities are the major factors contributing to these losses. In such conditions, meeting food demand in a country with an ever-increasing population becomes extremely challenging. Apart from the shortage of food, farmers face huge financial losses ...

How to end grain loss when storing wheat?
Wheat is one of the most widely grown grains in India. With a production of 107,860 thousand tons of wheat, India is responsible for 14% of the global wheat supply. India is the leading wheat exporter to countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Malaysia. Once the wheat is exported, it is ...

Basics of storage with Hermetic Bags
About 40% of the farmers in India suffer from post-harvest storage losses. Pest infestation and improper storage facilities are the main causes of these losses. There are numerous control measures. However, the majority are either ineffective or expensive or not scalable and pose health risks. Presently, Hermetic Storage is the most effective technique to store ...

Impact of Hermetic Bags on Grain Quality
The factors contributing to the loss of crops are numerous. However, the post-harvest losses faced by the farmer are far more than the losses faced by the standing crops. In such cases, the use of hermetic bags for grain storage is the best possible solution against post-harvest losses. The primary cause of post-harvest losses is ...

Hermetic Bags For Grain Storage: Scale up your storage.
Hermetic Bags for Grain Storage Hermetic Save Grain Bags India produces over 296.65 million tonnes of food every year. However, according to The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), more than 40% of food produced is wasted in India. The reasons for this wastage include: Shortage of cold chain and proper storage facilities Pest ...

Hermetic Grain Storage Bags vs Traditional Grain Storage
India is an agricultural country. It contributes to almost 18% of the country’s economy and employs about 50% of the population. The most cultivated staple crops in India include rice, wheat, and maize. However, the agricultural sector experiences a lot of post-harvest storage losses. These losses are because of improper storage facilities and pest infestations ...

Storing Spices at home: A guide to long term spice storage
Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, or even just a person who loves eating food, you know the value of spices. A bit of spice here and a sprinkle there can liven up even the most boring of meals. Food is essentially a basic need, but spices allow it to feel like a ...

Storing Grains at Home – Guide to better grain storage
Food is one of the three basic needs for survival of all living organisms. Ever since man realized this, he began to store food in a way that prolongs its shelf life. Most households in India make bulk purchases of food, especially food grains such as rice, wheat, pulses, etc since that is both economical ...

Pesticides: Types, Segregation and Alternate Solutions
Global food security can only be ensured if the agricultural sector thrives the world over. It's therefore crucial to protect our crops from natural hazards as well as from other microbes on the planet. Aiming to protect the crops from such pests, people came up with different types of "pesticides". What are pesticides? Pesticides are ...

Coffee Fermentation: A guide to improving coffee quality
Most people can't imagine their day beginning or ending without a delicious cup of coffee dousing their palate. However, creating quality coffee is no easy task. From the time coffee seeds are planted, picked, processed to the time of purchase, the crop is processed at multiple levels to optimise its quality. One crucial step in this ...

Post Harvest Management of Rice and its Challenges
Rice is one of the most important food crops worldwide. In fact, in most developing countries, it is counted as a dietary staple for a majority of the population. In spite of this fact, a large portion of rice ends up going to waste due to challenges encountered in the post-harvest management of rice. Addressing ...

Silo Storage: Top 4 problems in grain storage silos
Food sustainability is a growing concern. This makes food storage a crucial part of agriculture. Among the many types of grain storage systems, silo storage systems, widely used in the agriculture industry for the past several decades, are popular for their bulk storage capabilities. What are silos? Vertical Silo Structures A cylindrical structure made up ...

Indian Farmers and their struggle to protect their crops
With population on the rise, food security is a growing concern. While agriculture continues to be the main occupation for at least half the workforce of the country, Indian farmers still have many struggles to cope with. Indian Farmer Some challenges Indian Farmers face Climactic challenges. Droughts are an annual concern. Variations in temperature, humidity ...

The criticality of Maize and its Post Harvest Storage
Maize or corn is a cereal food crop, cultivated widely all over the globe, and has the highest production amongst all the cereals. In India, after rice and wheat, it is the third most important cereal crop. What is the importance of maize? Maize or corn is an important food staple in many countries, especially ...

What Are Cash Crops and Why Are They Important
India is an agricultural country. Agriculture not only contributes to the country's economy, but also provides livelihood to a majority of the rural population. It's also the cornerstone for providing food sustainability and security. Different types of crops require different agricultural practices. Both cash crop and food crop farming may involve the same crops, but ...

Ensuring Food Security Amidst a Pandemic
No industry has been allowed to go scot-free ever since the pandemic took control of our lives. Business activities have been completely disrupted. Economic growth is far from its ideal potential. Agriculture has also been put at severe risk. According to the Food and Agricultural Organisation, Food security exists when all people, at all times, ...

Top Factors negatively affecting Coffee Quality
Traded and consumed worldwide, coffee is one of the most popular commercial agricultural commodities. It comes as no surprise then that we are witnessing an increasing number of farmers, businessmen, and corporates becoming a part of the coffee industry. But quality coffee doesn't magically get transported from your farms to the customers' cups. It has ...

Storing Coffee – 7 tips to store coffee beans better
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. And while enjoying a cup of freshly brewed coffee can relieve all kinds of stress, it takes a lot of work to create that perfect cup, which is why it is critical to start right from the moment the coffee is harvested. Storing coffee ...

India’s Struggles with Food Grain Wastage
The causes of an Indian Farmer's distress Even in the 21st century, agriculture is still the backbone of the Indian economy. As of 2016, 59% of India's total workforce is part of the agricultural sector. However, the main drivers of this all-important sector, the farmers, are in a pitiable condition today. In fact, the Centre ...

Types of storage pests to keep out of your grains
To attain food security, it is essential to not only increase agricultural production, but also decrease post harvest food losses. One of the major causes of food loss is damage caused by insects and pests during the storage period, making the grain unfit for human consumption. Many grain pests also eat out grain embryos, lowering the ...

How To Prevent Mold Growth In Stored Grains
Food security is a growing concern the world over. To ensure that, it is important to not only increase agricultural production but also find ways to decrease the post-harvest losses occurring during storage or distribution. Mold growth is one of the major causes of food loss. Mold can spoil the grain by lowering its nutritional ...

How Drying Grains helps in Grain Storage
Food needs to be made available to people all year round (ie, even beyond the harvesting period). Thus, it needs to be stored properly, preserving it in an optimal state. Drying grains is one of the most practical methods of primary food preservation. In fact, improper drying before grain storage is an important cause of ...

Post Harvest Management – Best Practices and Methods
Reducing post-harvest loss is critical. Great post-harvest management will help address the growing concerns around food sustainability. What does post-harvest mean? Post-harvest process is the stage that immediately follows the harvest. The final quantity and quality of the product depends on it. Appropriate pre-harvest practices and harvesting the crop at the right time using adequate ...

How Hermetic Bags can help Agricultural Businesses
Agriculture is the mainstay of the Indian economy. It is the dominant employment providing sector. As a result, it has a huge impact on the population of our country. As a developing nation, both agriculture and industry are important to our economy. Also, they are important to each other. Agriculture provides inputs to the industry ...

Hermetic Bags – An Introduction to Hermetic Technology
Hermetic Technology like that used in Hermetic Bags is a type of storage technology that uses the concept of creating a controlled atmosphere to protect the stored commodities from contamination by air, moisture, insects or pests. Improper storage conditions are the main causes of deterioration in grain quality and decrease in food quantity. A proper ...

Storing Grains: Food Grain Storage methods in India
Grains are a staple part of diets, especially in India, but are produced only during specific seasons. Thus, the right methods of food storage become a critical part of the production and distribution phase. Worldwide production of wheat, maize, rice, millet and sorghum is stored for months together, leading up to one to two years, ...

Effect of Pesticides on the Environment and the People
Pesticides! Used in farming and grain storage, these chemicals have been the source of debate for a long time. Concerns regarding its use for agricultural pest control were first raised around the 1920s. However, widespread awareness of its harmful effects occurred in the 1960s, especially after the release of the book ‘Silent Spring’ by Rachel ...