Hermetic Grain Storage Bags vs Traditional Grain Storage

India is an agricultural country. It contributes to almost 18% of the country’s economy and employs about 50% of the population. The most cultivated staple crops in India include rice, wheat, and maize. However, the agricultural sector experiences a lot of post-harvest storage losses. These losses are because of improper storage facilities and pest infestations. Many argue that the traditional storage methods seem to be insufficient in solving these post-harvest losses. With scientific advancements in the agricultural sector, there seems to be a better way to control the post-harvest losses: Hermetic Bags.

Hermetic Grain Storage Bags

Hermetic bags use a technology that prevents air from passing in or out, therefore controlling the temperature and moisture. If you use hermetic grain storage bags, the outside conditions will not affect the stored product at all. This also means the grains are free from pest infestation. 

Grains stored in Save Grain Bags
Hermetic Save Grain Bags

In fact, a study done by the University of Nebraska shows that hermetic bags are more successful in preventing pest infestation than traditional storage methods.

Traditional storage methods include aerial storage, drying floors or storage in cans, bins or jars and plastic or jute sacks. If we compare these methods to hermetic methods, the latter outdo the former. 

Grain stored in jute bags
Grains stored in jute bags

Let us look at a comparison of both the storage methods under different circumstances.

  • Effect of temperatures: Traditional methods do not prevent damage from humidty or rain. Whereas hermetic bags use airtight technology. Hence, they prevent moisture and control the temperature.
  • Effect of Insect Damage: In traditional storage methods, pest infestation is common. However, in the case of hermetic bags, pest infestation doesn’t occur. The airtight technology creates an oxygen deficit. As a result, pests are not able to survive. The grains remain dry and completely moisture-free.

People have been using traditional methods for a very long time. The reasons for the same are as follows:

  1. Lack of knowledge or awareness about the scientific developments in the sector.
  2. The unavailability of hermetic bags in the commercial markets

People still prefer to use the traditional methods of storage, because it has been an age-old practice. However, the benefits of hermetic bags are countless. 

Let’s see how. 

  1. Hermetic bags are cost-effective.
  2. They can be used for as long as 3 years so long as the grains are stored properly and tied correctly.
  3. Using the hermetic bags is simple.

Hermetic Grain Storage Bags are the future of Agriculture

Hermetic technology is very useful in saving crops from post-harvest losses. In fact, it might be just what the agriculture sector needs today and, in the years to come.

The hermetic bags by Save Grain Bags are a great alternative to traditional methods. The advantages of hermetic grain storage bags outweigh the benefits of traditional storage methods. For the same reason, they are an effective solution for reducing storage losses of grains in India.

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